Monday, December 14, 2015

Whats Happening with Sex Offender Issues

Here is Whats Happening Today
Jan 15, 2016:

Always check State News and National News though.
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Often folks have questions that are best answered by lawyers,
and to that end we have the "Ask a Lawyer"
section of our lawyers page.

If your question involves a Civil Commitment issue
Please see our special Lawyer's page
which lists Lawyers handling such cases.

"Window on Topics: Featuring Today"

Prisoners’ Self-Help Litigation Manual
4th Ed., by Dan Manville

Disciplinary Self-Help Litigation Manual,
2d Ed., by Dan Manville

American Association of Law Libraries:
How to research a legal problem: A guide for non-lawyers

Texas State Law Library:
Introduction to Legal Research

Texas Civil Rights Project and the ACLU of Texas (2011):
Prisoners Civil Rights Manual

Columbia University Human Rights Law Review (2011):
A Jailhouse Lawyer's Manual

National Lawyers Guild and the Center for
Constitutional Rights (2010):
Jailhouse Lawyer's Handbook

Top 10 TED Talks That Could Change Your Life

‘Manspreading,’ ‘Price Point,’ ‘Stakeholder’ on
University’s List of ‘Banished’ Words for 2016

Here’s How Much The Average American Gets
From Social Security -- How Do You Compare?

3 Reasons to Take
Social Security Benefits at 67 (or 66)

What's the difference between Social Security Disability
Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?

Everything You Need to Know About Social Security

Here's How Social Security Benefits Are Calculated

Social Security’s COLA and
Your Benefits, Explained

Social Security Ruling Drives Up
Medicare Costs for Millions

Are you about to lose $50,000
in future Social Security benefits?

The USPS is rolling out a feature
that emails you images of your actual mail

18+ Useful Things You Can Do with OK Google

Plenty of good articles

How to Print to PDF on
Any Computer, Smartphone, or Tablet

Why Insomnia Happens and
What You Can Do to Get Better Sleep

No, Your Medical Records Are Not Private

Statutory rape laws and
ages of consent in the U.S.

New Map: June 2015 shows 843,260 Registrants
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has posted
UPDATED figures on the number of Registered Folks Nationally.

What Should I Be Cleaning with CCleaner?

For more Awesome Tips: CLICK

eAdvocate Tidbits

DEADLINE For States to Implement the Adam Walsh Act July 27, 2011. Long past and still only 17 of 50 have substantially complied!
(Alabama; Colorado; Delaware; Florida; Kansas; Louisiana; Maryland; Michigan; Mississippi; Missouri; Nevada; Ohio; Pennsylvania; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Wyoming.)
In July 2011, they said "it would take up to 3 months to go through what has been submitted." Still nothing, now 2016!

A BIG Joke, no one wants the law, still they push it!
Question: "Are you new to the Community Room?" Please read "This Important Message" as it will help us making referrals. And, if you want to know "How to get around the Community Room" our Tutorial is best; it also has a section for Advocates.

This "Whats Happening Today" message may be copied and posted to any other site without asking, so long as you post a direct link back to this page. Our reason is simple, since we may have additions/changes, then folks will always have access to updated information. We are a OPEN no signin site, established for Humanitarian purposes. Thank You, eAdvocate

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