Adam John Walsh (November 14, 1974 – c. July 27, 1981) was an American boy who was abducted from a Sears department store at the Hollywood Mall in Hollywood, Florida, on July 27, 1981, and later found murdered and decapitated. Walsh's death earned national publicity. John Walsh, Adam's father, became an advocate for victims of violent crimes and the host of the television program America's Most Wanted. Convicted serial killer Ottis Toole confessed to the boy's murder, and later recanted, and was never tried for the crime. In 1997, Hollywood Police Chief Rick Stone conducted an exhaustive review of the Adam Walsh case Stone says his review found no evidence to prove "beyond a reasonable doubt" that Toole murdered Adam Walsh. Both Toole and his close friend, convicted mass murderer Henry Lee Lucas, were notorious, Stone noted, for confessing to crimes they did not commit. In June of 2005 Rep. Sensenbrenner introduced "the Children's Safety Act of 2005" (HR 3132), that bill died in the Senate as they were working on a similar bill. Then in December of 2005 Rep. Sensenbrenner introduced a new bill (HR 4472) with everything found in HR 3132 and more, that bill was sent to the Senate and came out as "Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006," they changed its name (Click on HR 4472 link above and then "Text of Legislation"). This bill was rushed through Congress (Under a misuse of "Suspension of the Rules" rule) so that President Bush could sign it into law on July 27, 2006 which was the 25th anniversary of the death of Adam Walsh; done to honor the work of John Walsh. On December 16, 2008, police announced that the Walsh case was now closed as they were satisfied (without evidence) that Toole was the murderer. Toole died of liver failure on September 15, 1996. previous page, OR CLICK to goto our Home Page Failure to Register Applies When Registrants Move Between States and fail to register or update registration. It is important to recognize that "travels in interstate or foreign commerce" is the key to trigger the punishment, and our "trickery" comment is because registrants are never told of this in any way that a reasonable person would understand. § 2250. Failure to registerRegistrants are blindsided by this federal law and know nothing about this until they have violated law and have been charged in a federal court. How does this happen? Here goes: When registrants register under a State law they are given a form to sign, and somewhere on that form (or forms) is a comment that says something like this "If you move to another state you must register."At the time of registering with the state registrants are not thinking of anything in terms of the future, and do not realize what that comment means or how courts will interpret the comment. Then when a registrant does move to another state, and fails to register or update their registration, AND GETS CAUGHT, they are charged with violating the above federal law. We have reviewed a few state forms and none have any explanation of this federal law nor the punishment if the registrant violates it. Even though the STATE COMMENT does not comport with due process requirements, federal courts are interpreting it as shown above. Now further trickery and of the worst kind: Once convicted in federal court the registrant serves his/her sentence in the Bureau of Prisons (Federal Prison) or federal probation which is under the control of the Bureau of Prisons.Need any more be said? previous page, OR CLICK to goto our Home Page Now we see a problem because U.S. Marshals are not authorized to perform home address checks without local police, except for persons with federal convictions, but are authorized to go after STATE SORNA violators, after they violate the state registration law (See grey area below). In this article "Authorities checking on sex offenders in Clay County" it seems the Marshals are in violation of the law. But in this article "U.S. Marshals Capture Sex Offender In Guatemala " Marshals would be in compliance with the law.See the following from the Adam Walsh Act, which no one has questioned yet: (42 USC 16941) SEC. 142. FEDERAL ASSISTANCE WITH RESPECT TO VIOLATIONS OF REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS.The law does not permit them to perform address checks, but as we have seen they are joining forces with local police in performing address checks; clearly in violation of federal law. It seems clear to this writer that Congress intended to use federal forces ONLY WHEN states have reported that a registrant HAS VIOLATED their law. i.e., failed to register or absconded. To use federal forces otherwise is a complete waste of taxpayer money at a time when taxpayers can least afford such waste. It appears this is some sort of a jobs stimulus program; a complete waste when misused. At this point it appears they are ABOVE the law and doing what is not permitted, and there is no system of checks and balances to stop these violations. In addition, this has got to be wasting taxpayer funds on a large scale at a time when taxpayers can least afford such waste. Other than pointing this out, there isn't much more one can say, they are in control and the little guy has no say, until someone like the ACLU gets involved, this is the way it will be. previous page, OR CLICK to goto our Home Page Registry Law REQUIRES that Registrants be notified about laws Reality, many have never been notified: The law says: (42 USC 16917)SEC. 117. DUTY TO NOTIFY SEX OFFENDERS OF REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS AND TO REGISTER.First, the difference between sub-section (a) and (b) is, subsection (a) pertains to folks convicted AFTER the enactment of SORNA (as to states that have not enacted SORNA requirements, I must presume they follow such procedure without the federal government prodding for the sake of this discussion.). However, subsection (b) pertains to folks convicted BEFORE the enactment of SORNA. For these folks the USAG is required to enact RULES (plural) "rules for the notification of sex offenders who cannot be registered in accordance with subsection (a)" and this is where the problems begin; trickery is used! We need to look at EXACTLY what the USAG actually did: On 2-28-2007 the USAG issued a RULE (One Rule), and made the rule effective the same day (2-28-2007), that rule said, that SORNA was applicable to every sex offender convicted BEFORE the enactment of the Adam Walsh Act.Any justice in the courts? What have courts done when faced with this question? Good point:Merely saying that SORNA was applicable to them, in no way notifies them of the law like those in subsection(a) are notified.So, folks under subsection (a) received proper notice while those under subsection (b) where not notified at all. Worse yet, the USAG gets away with this manifest injustice! Note: There are two groups of folks convicted BEFORE SORNA was enacted: A) Those convicted of sex offenses in FEDERAL courts; B) Those convicted of sex offenses in STATE courts.Folks convicted in STATE courts (Group-B) are only charged in FEDERAL courts when they have crossed STATE lines and failed to register or update their registration. However, folks convicted in FEDERAL courts (Group-A) can be charged with any violation of SORNA in FEDERAL court. Unfortunately most cases like these get sidetracked with lawyers trying other issues rather than stick to the notification issue. Two other issues relevant are:Yes, there is no doubt these are confusing issues, but they are ALL based on the circumstances of the individual person's case. i.e., the evidence as to what happened and when it happened. The person charged knows the answer to this, but may not see the legal theory, which is why we have laid it out so carefully here. The only hope a registrant has, is to have a GREAT lawyer, one who knows the ropes otherwise the registrant will be railroaded. previous page, OR CLICK to goto our Home Page For now, have a great day and a better tomorrow. eAdvocate (BACK to the Top Page) |
3 weeks ago
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