Why is this important to monitor for changes?
Well simply because federal agencies have jurisdiction of various federal laws and are able to change, add to, or otherwise amend those rules or guidelines, and such activity may affect a person covered by that federal law.
As to sex offender registration the Department of Justice has jurisdiction of all rules and guidelines which flow out of the Adam Walsh Act. Accordingly it is important for sex offenders to monitor such activity by the Department of Justice.
One might say, why should I since they must tell me about any changes? Granted such is true, but the problem is when changes are made and then they flow DOWN to state registering agencies, rules and guidelines are then interpreted by local yokels. I think everyone is very well aware, that often a seeming simple sentence might very well have multiple meanings to different people, hence it is best if one has the original rule or guideline to read it to prevent misconstructions (or constructions saving oneself) which could land them in prison for a number of years.
Accordingly, whenever a federal agency PROPOSES a rule or guideline, or, PROPOSES A CHANGE to a rule or guideline, or RESCINDS a rule or guideline FEDERAL LAW requires that agency to print such action in the Federal Register.
The following is a method by which folks can CHECK the Federal Register for ANY ACTIVITY by any federal agency, of course sex offenders would want to check the Department of Justice activity for rules and guidelines flowing out of the Adam Walsh Act.
You may want to print this for reference:OK, many may say "Why bother, all is said and done and my voice will not matter," NOT TRUE! This procedure allows folks to know what is going on BEFOREHAND and gives folks time to prepare a response and submit it.
Accordingly, first CLICK HERE;
Notice where it says "Browse the Table of Contents from back issues: YYYY GO (1998 forward) " make sure that shows the current year, if not change it to the year you wish to search;
Click on GO and a new page will appear titled "Federal Register, Online via GPO Access, Contents Pages: YYYY";
And the page will show all dates for the current year (or the year you are searching) that have activity in the Federal Register;
Pick a date and CLICK on it;
Now the fun, do a PAGE SEARCH (hold down CTRL and click F a search box appears, enter "justice" without quotes, hit enter)
IF IF IF the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT has activity this day it will be shown (you might have to scroll down a bit to see it).
Now you simply read what it says, and if it is speaking about Adam Walsh Act, sex offender ___, especially about RULES or GUIDELINES then you want to look at them to see if they affect you.
Remember, the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT covers many federal laws but sex offenders are only interested in one, so far.
So, if there is nothing for the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT that day move on to the next day, and so on, or simply back out if you are DONE!
Example: Remember how -in 2006- U.S. Attorney General Gonzales issued a rule to make the Adam Walsh Act RETROACTIVE?.
Do this to see what it looks like:
Follow instructions above:
Set YEAR to 2007
Chose February 28
Page Search for JUSTICE
You will see this:
Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act; applicability, 8894–8897 [E7–3063]
Click on PDF, I find that format easier to read, and read it.
Everything done by a federal agency must be printed in the Federal Register BEFORE it becomes a rule or guideline, that is the law (Federal Administrative Procedures Act).
How many people from the general public will be submitting their opinions when rules are made? I suspect very few, that alone is sufficient reason to get OVER 700,000 (June 2010, if the number is accurate) Registered Sex Offenders (RSOs) -and- their families, to provide input when a issue affects them. This is critical, use the public registry to find other local RSOs and get them to provide input as well; every voice counts....
If folks have any questions just contact me.
PS: I monitor for changes but its time for everyone to do it as well, its the only way to follow what is happening at the federal level on rules and guidelines affecting registrants.
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